Activator Plus™ is one of the most unique nutritional supplements for boosting the immune system. The vitamins and minerals in Activator Plus™ help build immune cells and help immune cells communicate. It is known as "the energizer" due primarily to its amino acid content and affect on healthy liver metabolism. It is often taken with Super Immune Booster™ and Daily Protector™ Eye & Immune), which form the core of our natural immune support supplements.*
Amino Acids Formation of Antibodies
Central to the amino acid profile in Activator Plus™ are the sulfur-containing amino acids L-methionine and L-cysteine. L-Methionine begins the synthesis of virtually all proteins. Cysteine forms disulfide bonds to link protein structures together and assist proper folding of proteins into their unique structures. Thus, both amino acids are needed to help the liver manufacture antibodies (adaptive immunity) thereby boosting the immune system.*
L-Phenylalanine and L-aspartic acid support energy production. L-Cysteine can be metabolized into taurine, which along with glycine helps form bile to clear toxins. L-glutathione supports antioxidant function. L-methionine and L-Cysteine require B6, B12, and folate for optimal function, which are in Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ and Super Coenzyme B-Complex. While Activator Plus™ and B vitamins do not need to be taken at the same time, some B vitamins each day are important for basic immune support and to assist amino acid metabolism.*
Antioxidants and Boosting the Immune System
Cysteine can be metabolized into cellular glutathione, as can the N-Acetyl Cysteine found in Daily Protector™ and Daily Detoxify™. Synergistically, antioxidants help maintain the level of cellular glutathione. The nutrient cofactors in Activator Plus™ (B2, B6, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese) are used by the body to support core antioxidant enzyme systems.*
Antioxidants are needed for boosting immune system cells and keep them armed and protected. The healthy operation of innate immunity requires cells well supplied with antioxidants.*
Lipid Metabolism and Immune Communication
A special feature of Activator Plus™ is 125 mg of choline and 125 mg of inositol per tablet. Choline and inositol are known as lipotropic nutrients, meaning they assist the utilization of fatty acids in metabolism, helping fat flow from the liver.* In essence they help keep fats "slippery" so they keep moving. Choline also acts as a methyl donor, assisting metabolism.* This is synergistic with the sulfur-containing amino acids L-methionine and L-cysteine, which also assist in the metabolism of fatty acids.* As an aside, the energetic qualities and fatty acid metabolism support provided by Activator Plus™ make it one of the nutritional supplements that can be used as part of a weight management program, if desired.*
Choline and inositol combine with phospholipids to form healthy cell membrane structures.* In this role they become important signaling molecules.* One of their roles is facilitating immune cell communication by supporting the function of an immune cell known as CD38.* CD38 supports the activation of innate immunity.* The transfer of important information from innate immune cells to the higher-power adaptive immune system is based on the healthy function of CD38 cells.*